Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi 2 India

October 13, 2015     noteshunt    

The Internet Of Things is the most trending technology today that stands alongside wearables and robotics. It is a very simple concept where devices in our home or wherever they are , have the capability to communicate with each other via the internet.Usually sensors are used with this technology to pass data to the internet. You can imagine  a sensor installed in your garden which uploads data like temperature, humidity, soil purity ,etc to the internet, and this data will be visible to you from anywhere around the world.Or imagine home automation systems connected to the net , which can be used to control appliances in your home like lights, door locks, air conditioning, etc through a web interface or smartphone application. A lot of technologies are being developed around this concept such as independent light-weight  IoT networks, protocols for passing data,etc. Here, I will show you how you can get started on making a raspberry pi home automation system that is web based using normal HTTP protocols.You will be able to control any appliance in your home from anywhere around the world when your done with this Raspberry Pi home automation tutorial.

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Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi 2Home Automation Using Raspberry Pi 2

Posted by Siddhartha Sid B on Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Categories: Raspberrypi